Friday, January 4, 2008


It was merely an expression of what I felt at that moment..

I would have failed myself if I allowed myself not even tried. If I don't tell you 'today', I am afraid if 'tomorrow' stood up on me and never arrive, I will never get a chance.

If I get pass 'today' without doing my best for 'today', I would miss out 'today', and it becomes 'yesterday', remained incomplete, and 'yesterday' was a past I can't do anything about anymore. If I put off things to 'tomorrow', what if 'tomorrow' won't come?

If I don't do it now, when?

There is not a trace of fear in me, as I have confronted all my fears. The only small fear that I have no confrontation power is.. towards tomorrow.

Now I wake up my eyes every morning, feel blessed, that I still wake up to a day. So I will live today fully. And count my blessings every morning.

When tomorrow arrives, I spend small time rethinking about today, it would still be a good day, because I have colored everyday complete.

May all sleep well tonight, wake up fresh tomorrow.

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